Wife-killer in the photo. The most cruel female maniacs you have not even heard of

Wife-killer in the photo. The most cruel female maniacs you have not even heard of

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О книге "Wife-killer in the photo. The most cruel female maniacs you have not even heard of"

Female killers: the most ruthless and dangerous. Among them there are loners, and there are those who killed along with their husbands and lovers. They killed children, men and women. Female serial killers are rare. Exit the comfort zone! Feel the horror and thrill after reading all these terrible stories that happened in reality not so long ago. Irina Viktorovna Gaydamachuk, Jane Toppan, Carla Homolka, Vera Rentsi, Mary Nou, Marquise de Branneville, Velma Barfield and many others!

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    Ведьма ищет любовь
    Ведьма ищет любовь
    Блинова Маргарита

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