Workflows. Expanding Architecture's Territory in the Design and Delivery of Buildings

Workflows. Expanding Architecture's Territory in the Design and Delivery of Buildings

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О книге "Workflows. Expanding Architecture's Territory in the Design and Delivery of Buildings"

Workflows are being rethought and remodelled across the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) spectrum. The synthesis of building information modelling (BIM) platforms with digital simulation techniques and increasing access to data, charting building performance, is allowing architects to engage in the generation of new workflows across multidisciplinary teams. By merging digital design operations with construction activities, project delivery and post-occupation scenarios, architects are becoming instrumental in the shaping of buildings as well as the design process. Workflows expand the territory of architectural practice by extending designers’ remit beyond the confines of the design stage. The implications for the AEC industry and architecture as a profession could not be greater. These new collaborative models are becoming as important as the novel buildings they allow us to produce. Contributors include: Shajay Bhooshan, John Cays, Randy Deutsch, Sean Gallagher, Ian Keough, Peter Kis, Jonathan Mallie, Adam Modesitt, Rhett Russo, Dale Sinclair, and Stacie Wong. Featured architects: Arup, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, GLUCK+, GRO Architects, PLANT, Populous, Young & Ayata, and Zaha Hadid Architects.

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