Информационные технологии стр. 397

Eckstein RobertWood DavidCole Brian

This second edition of Java Swing thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by...

Sloan Joseph

This book is written primarily for individuals new to network administration. It should also be useful to those of you who have inherited responsibility for existing systems and networks set up by...

Feuerstein Steven

For now, though, PL/SQL developers need current and useful information about the latest PL/SQL features; there are a lot of them, and some represent major changes in the language. This small book is...

Schwartz RandalPhoenix Tom

If you're looking for the best way to spend your first 30 to 45 hours with the Perl programming language, look no further. In the pages that follow, you'll find a carefully paced introduction to the...

Robbins ArnoldLamb Linda

The 6th edition of Learning the vi Editor brings the book into the late 1990s. In particular, besides the 'original' version of vi that comes as a standard part of every UNIX system, there are now a...

Tidwell Doug

The heart of this book is designed to take you through the basics of XSLT and help you solve problems with this exciting new technology.

Costales Bryan

The new edition of sendmail has been completely revised to cover sendmail 8.12--a version with more features and fundamental changes than any previous version of the Unix-based email routing program....

Siever EllenFiggins StephenWeber Aaron

This is a book about Linux, a freely available clone of the Unix operating system whose uses range from embedded systems and personal data assistants (PDAs) to corporate servers, web servers, and...

Feuerstein StevenPribyl Bill

Take full advantage of PL/SQL . The reference manuals may describe all the features of the PL/SQL language, but they don't tell you how to apply the technology. In fact, in some cases, you'll be...

Goodman Danny

Because this is a reference book, it has been written with the assumption that you have at least dabbled in Dynamic HTML. You should already be HTML-literate and know the basics of client-side...

Gundavaram Shishir

What will you encounter here? A variety of powerful applications that you can use and that will serve as models for your own CGI scripts. Among the complete applications in the book are an animated...

Schwartz RandalPhoenix Tom

This book may be entitled Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules, but I like to think of it as just Learning More Perl. This is the book that picks up where Learning Perl leaves off. It shows...

Robbins ArnoldRosenblatt Bill

Nowadays there are dozens of different shells floating around, ranging from the original standard, the Bourne shell, to menu-based and graphical interfaces. The most important shells have been the...

Lamb Linda

This book is designed to get you started using vi quickly, and to follow up with advanced skills that will let you use it effectively. The first two chapters, The vi Text Editor and Simple Editing ,...

Hunt Craig

The protocol wars are over and TCP/IP won. TCP/IP is now universally recognized as the pre-eminent communications protocol for linking together diverse computer systems. The importance of...

Bekman StasCholet Eric

mod_perl is an Apache module that builds the power of the Perl programming language directly into the Apache web server. With mod_perl, CGI scripts run as much as 50 times faster, and you can...

Reese GeorgeJay Yarger RandyKing Tim

This book is primarily for two classes of readers. The most obvious is the reader interested in using MySQL and mSQL from either a database administration perspective or from a database programmer...


This is, on the surface, a book about writing device drivers for the Linux system. That is a worthy goal, of course; the flow of new hardware products is not likely to slow down anytime soon, and...

Niederst Jennifer

This book focuses on the front-end aspects of web design: HTML authoring, graphics production, and media development. It is not a resource for programming, scripting, or server functions; however,...

Silverman RichardBarrett Daniel

Privacy is a basic human right, but on today's computer networks, privacy isn't guaranteed. Much of the data that travels on the Internet or local networks is transmitted as plain text, and may be...
