Исторические любовные романы стр. 276

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Red Rose
Balogh Mary

    THE EARL OF RAYMORE WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH LADIES    Once he had adored an angelic creature who had turned out to be a devilish minx in disguise. After that, the only females he cared to know...

Balogh Mary

His Vengeance Was SweetJudith Easton knew that even the spirit of Christmas wouldn't stop the Marquess of Denbigh from settling the score with her. For the beautiful young widow had injured Denbigh's...

Kinsale Laura

Una vez fue el Seigneur de Minuit, el señor de la medianoche, un hombre al margen de la ley, un aventurero que imponía su ley y su justicia en los caminos de Inglaterra. Una vida peligrosa y heroica...

Quick Amanda

Adam Hardesty has a serious problem. The secrets of his past are in danger of being exposed, and in the course of investigating his would-be blackmailer, he discovers the dead body of a prominent...

Quick Amanda

Augusta Ballinger was quite sure that it was all a dreadful mistake. The chillingly pompous and dangerously disturbing Earl of Graystone could not possibly marry her.Why, it was rumoured that his...

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Quick Amanda

Certain that Gabriel Banner, a man she admired when she was a child, can carry out an important quest for her, Phoebe Layton lures him to a midnight rendezvous and finds he is nothing like the hero...

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Quick Amanda

There was no doubt about it what Miss Harriet Pomeroy needed was a man. Someonepowerful and clever who could help her rout the unscrupulous thieves who were using her beloved caves to hide her...

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Quick Amanda

Amanda Quick, one of the premier writers of historical romance with 10 New York Times bestsellers, returns with a passionate tale in which a young woman masquerading as the Earl of Masters'...

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Quick Amanda

Townsfolk called him Devil for dark and enigmatic Julian, Earl of Ravenswood, was a man with a legendary temper and a first wife whose mysterious death would not be forgotten. Some said the Lady...

Хейкрафт Молли

Прекрасная Джона, королева Сицилийская и сестра английского короля Ричарда Львиное сердце, была счастлива в браке, и, овдовев, не помышляла ни о новом супружестве, ни тем более о новой любви. Она...

Уэдсли Оливия

Оливия Уэдсли – известная английская романистка, культивировавшая жанр любовного романа. Творчество ее, рассчитанное на массового читателя, насыщено мелодраматизмом, отличается глубиной проникновения...

Мэдл Линда

Очаровательная мисс Дориан Сент-Джон и Николас Деррингтон, граф Сикум, готовы на все, чтобы достать некий драгоценный листок с партитурой романса. Она – из романтических побуждений, он – потому, что...

Хорнер Ланс

Роман из захватывающей серии о плантации Фалконхерст и ее обитателях, повествующий о падении и взлете могучей Лукреции Борджиа – рабыне, которой повинуются и белые, и черные.Это волнующее...

Лоуренс СтефаниLaurens Stephanie

Demon Cynster has seen love bring his brethren to their knees, and he's vowed that he will not share their fateuntil he spies Felicity Parteger sneaking around his country estate. Demon remembers...

Лоуренс СтефаниLaurens Stephanie

How can an honorable lady like Lady Catriona Hennessy unite with a rake like Richard Cynster? Though charmed by his commanding presence, she cannot give up her independence. Marriage had not...
