О бизнесе популярно стр. 41

Sonnenfeldt Michael W.

What does it take to succeed today both personally and professionally? In looking for answers, one obvious place to start would be to talk to self-made men and women who themselves are successful....

Hardi Meybaum

Embrace Open Engineering and accelerate the design and manufacturing processes Product development is a team sport, but most companies don't practice it that way. Organizations should be drawing on...

Frank Gruber

Shake up the market with these key ingredients to a successful startup Entrepreneurship starts with an idea and a dream: a dream of a better world for others, and a life less ordinary for yourself....

John Danner

Leverage the power of failure in your organization Nobody wants to fail, but failure is a fact of life. Most of us treat it as a regrettable, even shameful, event best overlooked. In truth, failure...

Geis George T.

An in-depth examination of Google's innovative approach to M&A Semi-Organic Growth presents a unique analysis of Google's distinctive expertise in the area of mergers and acquisitions, derived from...

Diana Kander

If Owen Chase can't find a way to turn his company around in the next nine days, he'll be forced to shut it down and lay off all of his employees. He has incurred substantial debt and his marriage is...

Sherwood Neiss

Getting Started with Crowdund Investing In a Day For Dummies shows small business owners what they can do now to prepare for crowdfund investing since the signing of the 2012 JOBS Act into law. It...

Michael Masterson

Intelligent strategies for starting and growing a small business with minimal personal financial risk A comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs from one of the most successful business creators in...

Bill Schley

How to tap the real source of entrepreneurial power in you and in your organization The UnStoppables is based on foreword author Graham Weston's experience growing Rackspace, as well as fascinating...

John Vyge

How to assess your business concept's potential to win customers The Dragons' Den Guide to Assessing Your Business Concept is designed to help entrepreneurs assess whether they actually have a market...

Sam Calagione

Find out what happens when companies stop competing and start collaborating. Off-Centered Leadership considers an innovative approach to business by exploring what happens when companies stop...

Юрий Курилов

«Коуч-миллионер» рассчитан в первую очередь на читателя, уже знакомого с основными понятиями коучинга, понимающего, что такое клиентская база и как ее собирать. Тем не менее, для начинающих коучей...

Margie Sheedy

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or you already own a small business, The Small Business Success Guide will help you fast-track your business on the ride from good to great. The Small Business...

Rod Caldwell

Simplify tax and save money with streamlined bookkeeping Small businesses are often just that—small. Bookkeeping may be done by a professional outside the company, but more often falls to an employee...

Scott Miller D

The definitive guide to best practices for mastering techniques of the insider-led transition planning A must have book for business owners, key employees, and their advisors who need to be aware of...

Rob Basso

A primer for pursuing entrepreneurial ambitions and achieving success Filled with strategies and powerful anecdotes about defining and setting goals and pushing for entrepreneurial success, The...

Mark Durieux

Discover how to bring social responsibility to your business In today's business world, your bottom line isn't measured by your company's financial performance alone. Social Entrepreneurship For...

Marsha Collier

Clear the clutter and make some cash! Selling items on eBay.com.au is the perfect way to declutter your home and make some money in the process. But getting the best price for your items isn’t always...

Paula Wynne

A complete course in do-it-yourself digital marketing in 14 bite-sized lessons The global recession has sent tens of millions scrambling for alternative employment opportunities, and a great many of...

MaryEllen Tribby

Introducing a million-dollar business model that you can do from home, on the road, or in your spare time Mary Ellen Tribby, founder of Working Moms Only, has created and perfected a business model...
