Политика, политология стр. 135

Канат Нуров

2011 жылдың мамырында Vox Populi баспасы Қ.И. Нұровтың «Kazakstan: ұлттық идея және дәстүрлер» кітабының 2-ші басылымын шығарды. Монографияның мазмұны – Қазақстанның тарихи мұрасы және оның...

Канат Нуров

Казахи… История этого народа, давно обосновавшегося на просторах Евразии, окружена многочисленными тайнами и загадками. До сих идут споры о том, что же означает слово «казах» и деление жузов по...

Юлия Михайловна Баскакова

В новой коллективной монографии эксперты ВЦИОМ анализируют эволюцию политического поведения россиян, рассматривают судьбу одного из главных социально-политических феноменов эпохи 2014—2018 гг. –...

Аркадий Любарев

В книге обсуждается 75 наиболее острых проблем российского законодательства о выборах, референдумах и политических партиях. Приводятся результаты проведенного автором экспертного опроса по этим...

Bob Lingard

This innovative new handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the ways in which domestic education policy is framed and influenced by global institutions and actors. Surveys current debates about...

Nick Ellison

Bringing together researchers from the fields of social policy, economics, sociology and clinical psychology, this book offers new evidence on the inter-related problems faced by disability...

Ian Scoones

This collection of essays in Governing Global Land Deals provides new empirical and theoretical analyses of the relationships between global land grabs and processes of government and governance....

Nitsan Chorev

This revised and updated second edition of The Globalization and Development Reader builds on the considerable success of a first edition that has been used around the world. It combines selected...

Pete Alcock

This fully updated and expanded edition of the bestselling Student’s Companion to Social Policy charts the latest developments, research, challenges, and controversies in the field in a concise,...

John Cox B.

A new edition of one of the flagship books for CAE preparation The ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management covers the core functions of association management at a high but...

George Ritzer

Updated to reflect recent global developments, the second edition of Globalization: A Basic Text presents an up-to-date introduction to major trends and topics relating to globalization studies....

James Perry L.

The fundamentals of public administration, from the world's leading practitioners Handbook of Public Administration is the classic, comprehensive guide to the field, featuring original writings from...

Kathryn Newcomer E.

The leading program evaluation reference, updated with the latest tools and techniques The Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation provides tools for managers and evaluators to address questions...

Jodi Sandfort

A unique approach to policy implementation with essential guidance and useful tools Effective Implementation in Practice: Integrating Public Policy and Management presents an instrumental approach to...

Pieter Arlow C.

A comprehensive and practical guide to security organization and planning in industrial plants Features Basic definitions related to plant security Features Countermeasures and response methods...

Paul Nolan Matthew

Gives readers a detailed understanding of how specific biological weapons work and how those affected by the weapons would be treated Teaches the reader to recognize the symptoms of each biological...

Louis Rea M.

The industry standard guide, updated with new ideas and SPSS analysis techniques Designing and Conducting Survey Research: A Comprehensive Guide Fourth Edition is the industry standard resource that...

Matt Leighninger

A comprehensive text on the theory and practice of public participation Written by two leaders in the field, Public Participation for 21st Century Democracy explores the theory and practice of public...

Mark Considine

Contracting-out Welfare Services focuses on the design and overhaul of welfare-to-work systems around the world in the light of the radical re-design of the welfare system; internationally based...

Jody Blazek

Stay updated on the latest tax regulations with this private foundation tax manual Knowledge of tax regulations surrounding private foundations isn't enough if you're an executive of such an...
