Книги #Portraits

19 книг
John James Audubon

Audubon’s ambitious project to paint all the birds of North America resulted in a work that represents one of the greatest advances in ornithology. Not only did he identify new species, he also...

Leek Peter

From the 18th century to the 20th, this book gives a panorama of Russian painting not equalled anywhere else. Russian culture developed in contact with the wider European influence, but retained...

Jp. A. Calosse

The eclectic art of which the Carracci family dreamed was realised by Rubens with the ease of genius. However, the problem was much more complicated for a man of the north, who wished to add to it a...

Carl Klaus

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 1599 – August 6 1660), known as Diego Vélasquez, was a painter of the Spanish Golden Age who had considerable influence at the court of King Philip IV. Along...

Leon Bakst

Léon Bakst (1866-1924) was a painter, illustrator, stage and costume designer. He is universally acknowledged for representing a synthesis of creative energy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries....

Donald Wigal

Sargent was born in Florence, in 1856, the son of cultivated parents. When Sargent entered the school of Carolus-Duran he attained much more than the average pupils. His father was a retired...

Carl Klaus

During the Renaissance, Italian painters would traditionally depict the wives of their patrons as Madonnas, often rendering them more beautiful than they actually were. Over centuries in religious...

Gerry Souter

Frida Kahlo est devenue plus familière aux amateurs d’art après la sortie d’un film sur sa vie. Son OEuvre n’en reste pas moins compliqué dans son approche et sa compréhension. L’auteur, Gerry Souter,...

Carl Klaus

L’art a été profondément marqué par la figure de la Vierge Marie, le symbole de la maternité, rayonnante de jeunesse, de tendresse et de compassion depuis deux mille ans. Trouvant en elle une source...

Jeanette Zwingenberger

Hans Holbein le Jeune (Augsburg, 1497 – Londres, 1543) Le génie de Holbein s'épanouit très tôt. Sa ville natale d'Augsburg était alors à son zénith. Située sur le grand axe reliant l'Italie au nord...

Carl Klaus

Albrecht Dürer

(Nuremberg, 1471–1528)

Dürer est le plus grand artiste allemand et le plus représentatif de l'esprit germanique. Comme Léonard, c'était un homme extrêmement attirant physiquement,...

Jp. A. Calosse

Léonard de Vinci (Vinci, 1452 – Le Clos-Lucé, 1519)

Léonard passa la première partie de sa vie à Florence, la seconde à Milan et ses trois dernières années en France. Le professeur de Léonard fut...

Alfred Michiels

Memling (Hans Memling) (Seligenstadt, 1433 – Bruges, 1494) On sait très peu de choses sur la vie de Memling. On suppose qu'il était d'ascendance allemande et né à Mayence. Mais il est établi qu'il...

Chesneau Ernest

L'école de peinture britannique a été officiellement reconnue au début du XVIIIe siècle grâce au travail du peintre William Hogarth. Elle regroupe des oeuvres des plus grands artistes britanniques...

William Hogarth

William Hogarth a rédigé son Analyse de la Beauté en 1753, dans le contexte des Lumières. À travers ce texte captivant, il s'attarde sur une définition de la notion de beauté en peinture. Affirmant...

Charles Victoria

The influence of works by French artists extends itself across all artistic styles, and many French works have gained world fame as classics. This book gives an overview of the French milestones in...

Dupouy Alexandre

Today still considered a “Bad Boy”, Pascin was a brilliant artist who lived and worked in the shadow of contemporaries such as Picasso, Modigliani, and several others. A specialist of the feminine...

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh’s life and work are so intertwined that it is hardly possible to observe one without thinking of the other. Van Gogh has indeed become the incarnation of the suffering, misunderstood...

Carl Justi

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 1599 – August 6 1660), known as Diego Vélasquez, was a painter of the Spanish Golden Age who had considerable influence at the court of King Philip IV....
