О книге "Arthur & George"

From one of England’s most esteemed novelists, an utter astonishment that captures an era through one life celebrated internationally and another entirely forgotten.

Arthur & George (2005) is the tenth novel by English author Julian Barnes which takes as its basis the true story of the 'Great Wyrley Outrages.' Set at the turn of the 20th century, it follows two actual historical figures: the rather obscure George Edalji, a half-Indian solicitor wrongfully accused of ruthlessly slaying a number of farm animals, and the well-known Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Upon the death of his first wife, Doyle finds himself unable to find pleasure in either life or the mistress he's kept for quite some time. When he stumbles upon the case of Mr. Edalji, he decides for the first time to enter into the real world of detective work.

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Действия в книге странно мало - видимо, автор избегает слишком вольно обращаться со столь уважаемой исторической фигурой, как сэр Артур Конан Дойл

В результате этого захватывающего метода повествования, перед нами и литературная биография, и исторический роман, и детективная история одновременно

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