O'Reilly: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition

Flanagan David

O'Reilly: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition

Flanagan David

О книге "O'Reilly: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition"

Throughout the book, the focus has shifted from documenting particular JavaScript and browser implementations ( JavaScript 1.2, Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 5, etc.

) to documenting the standards upon which those implementations are (or ought to be) based. Because of the proliferation of implementations, it is no longer practical for any one book to attempt to document -- or for any one developer to attempt to understand -- every feature, proprietary extension, quirk, and bug of every implementation. Focusing on the specifications instead of the implementations makes this book easier to use and, if you take the same approach, will make your JavaScript code more portable and maintainable. You'll particularly notice the increased emphasis on standards in the new material on core JavaScript and the DOM.

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