The Notorious Groom

The Notorious Groom

О книге "The Notorious Groom"

HER HARD-BODIED TEMPORARY HUSBAND Almost thirty-four, still a virgin and with no marriage prospects in sight, town librarian Norah Brown was headed for the Old Maid Hall of Fame.

Then Elijah Wilder, the baddest boy ever to roam the streets of Kisscount, shockingly agreed to marry her so she could keep her family estate. But he didn't know that Norah had secretly loved him for years… .Eli was the only man who sensed the temptress lurking beneath the bookworm. It was there in the way he looked at her – as if he could taste her, feel her, see right through her, into her soul. Just as Norah knew that within her hard-bodied, hard-hearted temporary husband lurked a man who lived for her loving… .

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