The Rancher And The Nanny

The Rancher And The Nanny

О книге "The Rancher And The Nanny"

Livestock? John MacLaren had all the answers. But little girls? On that subject he was clueless. What did an orphan know about creating a home, especially for a delicate child like Lissy? He needed help.

And help came…in the most unexpected, most unforgettable form. Eve Chandler. Years before, he'd wanted her with a vengeance, but 'Princess' hadn't seemed to think him worthy. Now the tables had turned, and she was working for him. Yet Eve was so much more than a nanny. With her encouragement, Lissy was blossoming…and John's icy reserve was melting. But once Eve recovered her lost riches, would John's warm, willing lover remain by his side?

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