О книге "Wild fire"

Welcome to the Custer Hill Club-a men's club set in a luxurious Adirondack hunting lodge whose members include some of America's most powerful business leaders, military men, and government officials.

Ostensibly, the club is a place to relax with old friends. But one fall weekend, the club's executive board gathers to talk about the tragedy of 9/11-and finalize a retaliation plan, known only by its codename: Wildfire. That same weekend, a member of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force is found dead. Soon it's up to Detective John Corey and his wife, FBI Agent Kate Mayfield to unravel a terrifying plot that starts with the Custer Hill Club and ends with American cities locked in the crosshairs of a nuclear device. Corey and Mayfield are the only ones who can stop the button from being pushed, and global chaos from being unleashed…

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