Built-In Social. Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business

Built-In Social. Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business

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О книге "Built-In Social. Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business"

How to redesign your business for social relevance and profitable success Marketing today is driven by the customer. The old mindset was finding customers for your products and services. The new one is collaborating with the customers whose trust you have earned to develop better products and services for them. Businesses that succeed today acknowledge that they are in shared relationships with customers, employees, and other influencers in the community—even competitors. Built-In Social provides a step-by-step approach to building a business channel that aligns your business with its ideal customers and ensures your organization's continued relevance and success. Intended for mainstream businesses that want to get results from social media networking and marketing but have been frustrated by the obstacles, namely, the lack of a basic method or structure (and a practical step-by-step approach) for converting relevant social qualities into profitable outcomes Author Jeff Korhan is a speaker, trainer, and coach helping mainstream small businesses increase their influence, enhance customer relationships, and accelerate growth Built-In Social will show you how to turn visibility, authenticity, accessibility, community, and relevance into measurable and profitable gains.

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