Business Expectations. Are You Using Technology to its Fullest?

Business Expectations. Are You Using Technology to its Fullest?

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О книге "Business Expectations. Are You Using Technology to its Fullest?"

A practical roadmap for developing successful e-business strategic plans E-Business Expectations provides a critical review of the process of evolving a product or service from prototype to practical technology. Written by renown expert on technology issues, this book provides business executives and managers with tools they can use to position their product or service to best satisfy their customer's needs. It guides readers from unrealistic to realistic expectations of what a firm's technology can bring to its e-business strategy. This book provides managers with a solid foundation for creating realistic technological expectations for their e-business in terms of repeatability, scalability, operating environment, resource requirements, and compatibility issues. Bryan P. Bergeron (Brookline, MA) has over thirty years' experience designing and working with computers and electronics. He teaches technology and business at Harvard Medical School and MIT and is Editor in Chief of e.MD, Technical Editor of Postgraduate Medicine, among others. Dr. Bergeron is President of Archetype Technologies, Inc., a technology consulting firm.

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