Ghosts & Echoes

Ghosts & Echoes


Жанр: Фэнтези

Год издания: 2010
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О книге "Ghosts & Echoes"

Sylvie is back from vacation, and all she wants out of life right now is for the Magicus Mundi to leave her alone for a bit. No dead things, no mayhem, no life-and-death struggles. Just because Sylvie managed to take some time off doesn't mean that the Magicus Mundi has to follow her example, though, and it's been piling things up on her doorstep while she was away. Still, she can pick and choose her cases, right? Solving a string of burglaries sounds perfect—mind-numbingly boring and mundane. Until you throw in Sylvie's missing sister, a generous helping of necromancy, and a Chicago cop possessed by a disturbingly familiar spirit.As the Rolling Stones sang, "You can't always get what you want."

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