Here's the Pitch. How to Pitch Your Business to Anyone, Get Funded, and Win Clients

Here's the Pitch. How to Pitch Your Business to Anyone, Get Funded, and Win Clients

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О книге "Here's the Pitch. How to Pitch Your Business to Anyone, Get Funded, and Win Clients"

Advice for every pitch situation a modern day entrepreneur will encounter Whether you're pitching for funding, the media, or to potential customers and partners, to survive and succeed as an entrepreneur, you have to know how to deliver a high-impact pitch. Here's the Pitch reveals powerful proven techniques to get your audience to take the action you want. You'll learn the same strategies and tactics that have been used by entrepreneurs to raise millions of dollars, secure partnerships, and win big sales contracts. Here's the Pitch provides advice for every possible pitch situation, including virtual and Web 2.0 pitches. This book: Demonstrates proven, effective pitch techniques Offers step-by-step advice for preparing your pitch Helps you develop a confident, winning mind-set Examines a range of pitch scenarios entrepreneurs frequently encounter Don't lose out on your next big sale, bid for exposure, or investment proposal for lack of skills. Here's the Pitch provides a complete toolkit that will enable you to deliver a confident, engaging, and successful pitch.

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