Out of the Silent Planet

Out of the Silent Planet

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О книге "Out of the Silent Planet"

The first book in C. S. Lewis's acclaimed Space Trilogy, which

continues with Perelandra and That Hideous Strength, Out of the

Silent Planet begins the adventures of the remarkable Dr. Ransom.

Here, that estimable man is abducted by a megalomaniacal

physicist and his accomplice and taken via spaceship to the red

planet of Malacandra. The two men are in need of a human

sacrifice, and Dr. Ransom would seem to fit the bill. Once on the

planet, however, Ransom eludes his captors, risking his life and his

chances of returning to Earth, becoming a stranger in a land that is

enchanting in its difference from Earth and instructive in its


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    Следующие части, подозреваю, могут быть поинтереснее в плане сюжета, но про миссионеров Млечного Пути (если перефразировать "Агату Кристи") продолжать читать неохота.

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