Role Emerging Occupational Therapy. Maximising Occupation Focused Practice

Role Emerging Occupational Therapy. Maximising Occupation Focused Practice

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О книге "Role Emerging Occupational Therapy. Maximising Occupation Focused Practice"

Role Emerging Occupational Therapy: Maximising Occupation Focused Practice is written for an audience of occupational therapy practitioners, educators and students. This text offers an exploration of emerging innovative directions for the profession of occupational therapy with a focus upon the theory and application of role emerging placements. The book affords the reader an opportunity to explore how occupation focused practice can be applied to a wide variety of settings and circumstances in order to improve the health and well-being of a diverse range of people. Chapters cover relevant theory as well as offering practical guidance with examples drawn from the experiences of university educators, occupational therapists, setting/service providers and students. The book describes, explores and discusses both the potential and ramifications of role emerging practice on the occupational therapy profession and offers a vision for the future of the profession that reflects current occupational, social and health needs.

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