The Unknown Tsesarevitch. Reminiscences and Considerations on V. K. Filatov’s Life and Times

The Unknown Tsesarevitch. Reminiscences and Considerations on V. K. Filatov’s Life and Times

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О книге "The Unknown Tsesarevitch. Reminiscences and Considerations on V. K. Filatov’s Life and Times"

The book is about the rescue of Tsesarevich. The central part is the reminiscences of O. Filatov. The I chapter “The Sources” gives the archive information about the course of events on 1918 in Ekaterinburg. The II chapter “Relations with Other People” is a description of the life of the family in the Urals. The III chapter “The North Star” is about the life of the family in the north of Russia. The IV chapter “The Royal Blood Must examined” is about the identification of Tsesarevich.

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