Valuation. Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

Valuation. Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

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О книге "Valuation. Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies"

McKinsey & Company's #1 best-selling guide to corporate valuation, now in its sixth edition Valuation is the single best guide of its kind, helping financial professionals worldwide excel at measuring, managing, and maximizing shareholder and company value. This new sixth edition provides insights on the strategic advantages of value-based management, complete detailed instruction, and nuances managers should know about valuation and valuation techniques as applied to different industries, emerging markets, and other special situations. Valuation lies at the crossroads of corporate strategy and finance. In today's economy, it has become an essential role – and one that requires excellence at all points. This guide shows you everything you need to know, and gives you the understanding you need to be effective. Estimate the value of business strategies to drive better decision making Understand which business units a corporate parent is best positioned to own Assess major transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures, and restructurings Design a capital structure that supports strategy and minimizes risk As the valuation function becomes ever more central to long- and short-term strategy, analysts and managers need an authoritative reference to turn to for answers to challenging situations. Valuation stands ahead of the field for its reputation, quality, and prestige, putting the solutions you need right at your fingertips.

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    Граф Монте-Кристо
    Граф Монте-Кристо
    Александр Дюма

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